The Dictan Flat-Panel DIN-402VG panel design is aesthetically pleasing and suitable to match a wide range of home exterior styles. The Multi-directional reception, UV coating and weather resistant finish and creative panel design, allow you to install your DIN-402VG antenna in various locations around the exterior of your home: roof, balcony. It is also suitable for indoor use in an attic. The DIN-402VG supports HDTV, 1080P TV and 4K ULTRA HD and is compatible with TV converter boxes or digital TVs.
The number of TV channels and programs that you can receive for FREE depends on the amount of over-the-air broadcasters in your area. With the Dictan DIN-402VG, there is no monthly fee and no need to subscribe. Just plug into a TV, scan the channels, and then enjoy your TV shows!
Dictan’s New Generation Digital Technology
1) High Gain reception technology, shielded for minimum interference.
2) Durable exterior, waterproof design with UV coating.
3) Supports VHF & UHF digital signals.
4) Mounting accessory options.
By following the simple tips below, you can enjoy FREE TV with your Dictan Antenna:
– Scan channels monthly to find all available channels including newly added or changed.
– Do not place or hide the antenna in/behind any metallic objects.
– Install the antenna as high as possible and near a window for better reception.
– Keep the antenna away from any high power consumption devices to avoid interference.
What’s in the box
– DIN-402VG FLAT PANEL Outdoor TV Antenna
– VHF Enhanced Rods
– Mast Clamp Kit
– Instruction/User Manual
– Instrucciones de Instalación en Español